Both And, Not Half and Half

Miguel Covarrubias
1 min readJul 21, 2020

I live my life torn between two worlds.
Part of both, accepted by neither.
Not white enough for one,
Not Mexican enough for either.

The word half makes me the lesser.
Less than whole, but more than most.
Even though both I am the successor.
I am not half, rather I am both and.

Todo o Nada, Mas o menos.
Yo soy Chicano, Mexicano, y Americano.
Nacido un Los Angelinos.
Gran parte de América del Norte.

I trace back to the first people,
I also trace back to the first colonizers.
I am not blind to the tension
I count myself among the risers

I am biracial, not half racial
I am both and, not half and half
The area between me is nonspatial
I am whole, both, and

Yo soy Mexicano y Americano también.
Soy más que la suma de mis partes.
Mi corazón sangrante pertenece a ambos.
Soy todo ambos y una obra de artes

