How Long?

Miguel Covarrubias
1 min readJul 21, 2020

How long, oh Divine? How long, must we sit in darkness?
We search, but in vain, for your own illumination.
Stolen by those who have reveled in mental starkness.
They claim sole proprietorship on your cognation.

How long, oh Divine? Must we endure within these plights?
Your long fabled strength was promised to us throughout the ages.
All we received was dishonest fanciful white knights,
Who sold us lies and put our children and minds in cages.

How long, oh Divine? Will you allow this mockery?
Those who claim your name and word, do not know who you are.
For far too long have we listened to their crockery.
We cannot stand as they build walls to keep you so far.

Divine, we are crying out, save us from your followers.

